For this assignment we created a portfolio showing all the digital projects we've done in this class. I created my portfolio using the Adobe program InDesign. This program is very useful for this type of project because of the use of guidelines and the ability to zoom out on the layout in order to see the "big picture" effect.
Reflecting on where you began at the start of this course with digital skills, how do you feel you have grown?
I have grown greatly in my diverse knowledge of different programs. Before this class I was only comfortable using Rhino, Now I am confident using Revit, AutoCad, 3DSMax, and Sketchup. I feel that now that I know the basics, I will be able to experiment on my own for further study.
Do you feel comfortable exploring new software that has not been covered in class here? Where would you find resources?
I would feel comfortable exploring new software because I think now with my knowledge of diverse programs, I would hopefully be able to catch on to the interface relatively easy. And if now, I think Youtube tutorials are always a great place to look for help. Also asking your peers too.